Lafcadio Hearn – Parts Edition

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This is the Parts Edition of our bestselling Main Series title. A Parts Edition features the same contents of the single complete file, but with all the novels, plays and other works divided into separate eBooks. Learn more about our Parts Editions here. The Elite Parts Edition offers both the Parts Edition of individual eBooks and the regular whole file edition for only $1 more, allowing you to enjoy the unique features of both options. (Please do not select the Elite option if you have already purchased the single file edition)

Parts Edition
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LAFCADIO HEARN 1, Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan
LAFCADIO HEARN 2, Out of the East
LAFCADIO HEARN 3, Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life
LAFCADIO HEARN 4, Gleanings in Buddha-Fields
LAFCADIO HEARN 5, Exotics and Retrospectives
LAFCADIO HEARN 6, Japanese Fairy Tales
LAFCADIO HEARN 7, In Ghostly Japan
LAFCADIO HEARN 8, Shadowings
LAFCADIO HEARN 9, Japanese Lyrics
LAFCADIO HEARN 10, A Japanese Miscellany
LAFCADIO HEARN 11, Kotto: Being Japanese Curios, with Sundry Cobwebs
LAFCADIO HEARN 12, Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
LAFCADIO HEARN 13, Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation
LAFCADIO HEARN 14, The Romance of the Milky Way and Other Studies and Stories
LAFCADIO HEARN 15, La Cuisine Creole: A Collection of Culinary Recipes
LAFCADIO HEARN 16, Gombo Zhèbes: A Little Dictionary of Creole Proverbs
LAFCADIO HEARN 17, Chita: A Memory of Last Island
LAFCADIO HEARN 18, Creole Sketches
LAFCADIO HEARN 19, One of Cleopatra’s Nights and Other Fantastic Romances by Theophile Gautier
LAFCADIO HEARN 20, Stray Leaves from Strange Literature
LAFCADIO HEARN 21, Some Chinese Ghosts
LAFCADIO HEARN 22, Youma: The Story of a West-Indian Slave
LAFCADIO HEARN 23, Two Years in the French West Indies
LAFCADIO HEARN 24, Letters from ‘The Raven’
LAFCADIO HEARN 25, Leaves from the Diary of an Impressionist
LAFCADIO HEARN 26, Fantastics and Other Fancies
LAFCADIO HEARN 27, Pre-Raphaelite and Other Poets
LAFCADIO HEARN 28, Books and Habits, from the Lectures of Lafcadio Hearn
LAFCADIO HEARN 29, The Life and Letters of Lafcadio Hearn by Elizabeth Bisland




